6 Usability Techniques to Boost Your Conversions

User Experience, or UX as it’s more commonly known, is the process of increasing your users’ satisfaction by improving the accessibility, usability, and efficiency of the time they spend on your Website. And it is great user experience which ultimately makes up the backbone of a top-level Website that results in more conversions for your […]

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The Color Theory: Discover The Colors That Can Help You Sell

Picking a color scheme for you Website might sound simple enough, but there’s a lot more to it than you may initially think. For starters, not everyone is a skilled designer with an eye for great color combinations that can generate a specific feeling or emotion. Sure, you could just throw some of your favourite […]

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5 Things Ruining Your Ecommerce Conversions

Your Online Store is up and running and you’ve spent a lot of time getting it perfect; you analysed every Call to Action button, scrutinized your logo for days and agonised for hours on all the aspects of the layout. But despite this, something’s just not working. Where are all your customers? No matter how […]

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6 Social Media Blunders and How to Fix Them

Like it or not, marketing your Business on Social Media is fast becoming a necessity for any Small Business Owner who is serious about growing their audience and gaining traction online. Increasingly, consumers are turning to the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as a way to engage with brands and discover new products and […]

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4 SEO Techniques That Could Double Your Website’s Traffic

Right now, there are hundreds, even thousands, of users looking at Businesses just like yours all over the internet. So, how do you stand out? How do you get noticed by your potential customers when the Online market is so heavily saturated? It’s a question that puzzles many, seeing lots of Small Business Owners throw […]

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